Guilty Pleasures or Self-Care? You be the judge...

Guilty Pleasures

The somewhat-official definition of a guilty pleasure is something, such as a movie, television program, or piece of music, that one enjoys despite feeling that it is not generally held in high regard. So something you love, but other people would think you were crazy for liking. I don’t necessarily agree with this definition though. I mean, some things that give me pleasure make me feel guilty, but I don’t think they’re necessarily things others would think I’m totally CRAZY for doing. Like eating fried bologna sandwiches (don’t hate - I’m from the south. IYKYK) or wearing the same sweatpants for 3 days in a row (or more… shhhhh). 

And if done right - entertaining some of your guilty pleasures can be considered a form of self-care! I mean, what better way to tell yourself “I love me” than to allow yourself to indulge! 

Here are some of my OTHER guilty pleasures (by my definition… not the “somewhat-official” one): 

1. Staying in my jammies all day... bra optional.

2. Drinking coffee in the afternoon: I know it's going to keep me awake. Do I care? Nope - I can just sit on the couch and read til I get tired! 

3. Pizza and wine (I have tummy issues, so I’ve got to be feeling REALLY needy if I indulge in this one) and eating whipped cream straight out of the can. Seriously - I can't buy it... I'll end up squirting the entire can in my mouth in less than 24 hours.  Oh, and Oreos. We don't buy those either because I can't eat just 1... or 10. It’s the whole row or nothing at all. 

4. Sitting on the sofa and playing Animal Crossing for HOURS (and no, I'm not 12...)

5. Spending way too much time researching where in the world I want to go on vacation and planning these dream trips (most of which I will never take). The Cotswolds, Egypt, Corfu, Paris, Giverny, London, Denmark, Switzerland... ok, I've got to stop or I'm going to get stuck going down this rabbit hole right now... 

6. Fresh cherries. Y'all... I know they aren't bad for you, but I can't be trusted around a bag of cherries. I buy them for the whole family, but hopefully nobody else wants any because I usually end up eating them all!

7. Planners and pens and calendars and highlighters and stickers and notebooks... it's a disease - I'm seeking help. Here’s my current line-up…

journaling journal (1).png

8. Rewatching favorite movies... Harry Potter, Sound of Music, Hunger Games, High School Musical (again... no, I'm not 12). 

9. Dipping a plain Hershey's chocolate bar in a jar of peanut butter. OMG - it’s like that commercial from the 80s… 


10. Taking my shoes off. Y’all, I don’t wear shoes (or socks) if I can help it. I don’t care if they get dirty (that’s what soap is for). Ok, if it’s super cold outside I’ll put on some fluffy socks, but most of the time I go bare-footed. I walk in the door and almost immediately I kick off my shoes (it’s impressive how far I can flip a tennis shoe from my foot… without breaking anything in the process). Sitting at my desk - I take off my shoes. Unless they’re tied onto my feet (a la tennis shoes), I slip off my shoes when I’m driving too. Don’t @ me… I know your Mama told you it was illegal to drive without shoes on. It’s not… I’ve checked! 

And there you have 10 of my favorite guilty pleasures. What are some of yours? Drop me a comment below...