Other adults collect children's books too, right?

Everyone gets creative block every once in a while. And I might be in the minority here, but looking at fun bright illustrations makes me happy and inspires my creativity. I had a boss one time that kept old editions of CA Magazine for his design staff to go through if we were in a creative slump. But over the years I’ve found what works for me… and I get my BEST inspiration from going through my (vast) library of children’s books. There are several books I keep in my office for quick-access, but most of them live in one of the bedrooms upstairs. A lot of the books are from my childhood, some are books I've bought for my kids or they’re Aklex’s from when he was little, but an equally large number are books I bought because they’re beautiful (I don’t necessarily buy them for the story). When it comes to children’s books - I read with my eyes FIRST! AMIRIGHT?

Actually, I’m like that with the books I read as an adult too. If the story sounds compelling but the art is crap, I’m 99% more likely to toss that one aside in favor of a book with a pretty cover. I specifically remember my Mom having to bribe me into reading a classic one time (probably Jane Eyre - which I LOVE and have read MANY times since then) because it was just a cloth hardback book with an embossed leather spine. Nothing creative - just good bones. SO the moral of the story kids - You can’t judge a book by its cover (unless you’re me… and I judge ALL BOOKS)...

OK, back on track now. And without further ado - here are some of the kids books I go to over and over and over again for creative inspiration:

Women in Science and Women in Art are 2 books I keep in my office for inspiration. Women in Science was a book I bought my daughter a few years ago, but I loved it so much that I bought Women in Art for me... and I claimed BOTH for myself (Sorry, Maggie). The illustrations are quirky and the book style is super fun and entertaining. 


I also love anything by Richard Scarry. Ok, these books are a throwback to my childhood. None of them are new and almost all of them are well-loved. I was a Richard Scarry FANATIC! I love the little animal-people and the landscape and town scenes... the magical quality of these books has always gotten my creative juices flowing. My FAVORITE book is What Do People Do All Day? As a little girl I was OBSESSED with those little cutaway illustrations. 


If you’ve followed me for any amount of time, you probably already know that I'm obsessed with Christmas books, but I don't just wait until December to get these books out. Christmas books are PERFECT for creative inspiration ANY time of the year. The colors, fun illustrations, cute characters - I can feel new ideas popping up just typing this. Two of my favorites are this beautifully illustrated version of The Nutcracker and Mr Willowby’s Christmas Tree (and any of them, actually)…  

A Beautiful Oops - This book is one every artist needs... and it needs to be in every child's library! The concept of this book is about taking what we view as mistakes (ripped paper, ink spots, dog-eared pages, etc.) and turning them into something incredible. There is beauty in everything around us - we just have to choose to see it! 


So in writing this post today, I'm thinking about all the children's books I have that I need to go through, because I'm planning on buying many more over the next few years. Not for me (I mean, I'll OBVI buy more books for me), but for my granddaughter! YES! If you follow me on Instagram you already know, but I’m a new Grandma... "Lala" to be exact! Our big redheaded teddy bear and his wonderful (also redhead) wife are new parents! 

Miss Gwendolyn Rose was born on Saturday, August 21st and we are completely and irrevocably in love. 


I’m currently daydreaming about all the character voices and bedtime stories I’m going to get to read in the future… I’ve been missing my old friends (AKA: my children’s book collection).

I can go down a baby daydream-spiral like there’s no tomorrow, so I’m going to stop while I’m ahead and ask y’all to do one simple thing for me: Drop me a comment to let me know some of your favorite books for babies and children. I’m ALWAYS looking for new ones! 

And you get bonus points if the artwork is ON POINT!