Racism has NO PLACE in my business.

2020 has been a hell of a year. Between Covid-19 and a racial justice campaign of epic proportions, this year has just been difficult for our mental health. It’s totally normal to feel exhausted and confused. These are difficult times and we should give ourselves grace to feel whatever we feel. Grief… sadness… shame… fear… confusion… all of it. 

The senseless murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmad Arbery are sickening reminders of the systematic racism we’re STILL facing as a society. Small businesses all over the world are pausing their day-to-day to use their platform in a way that can drive change… and I want to start by apologizing. It shouldn’t have taken something as drastic as the past two weeks to make me realize I’m not doing enough to promote anti-racism. As a solopreneur, I’m working hard to figure out how I can support diversity and make my own company more inclusive. 

I know I don’t have all the answers. Heck - I don’t even have some of them! But one thing I DO KNOW is that when you’re flooding yourself with knowledge (currently reading ALL.THE.THINGS), you get inspired to take action. And it’s hard for me not to want to do it all. But I ALSO know that I have unique talents and THAT is how I plan to promote social change in MY community. 

I believe using my voice is one way I can help to further the change that is so desperately needed. Silence… my silence isn’t helping anybody. My purpose is all about spreading joy through creativity and art and regional travel and (of course) coloring, so that’s what I’m going to continue to do:

I’m going to continue to promote my business

I wouldn’t be in business without my business

I’m going to continue to share any anti-racist resources that are helpful to me

Books, blogs, news stories, etc.

I’m going to continue to share BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) accounts who spark joy for me

Artists, historians, business coaches, health gurus, small business owners, etc.

I am currently working on creating a regular practice of doing this… As of right now - I don’t have all this figured out. I just know that I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing - chipping away - until I have a concrete plan in place. 

I also want to say that as a white woman, I am in no way pretending to fully understand what our black community is feeling right now - nor will I ever. I have taken for granted the human rights that are denied to POC every day. But I am actively listening and educating myself. 

For now, I’m going to leave you with a few resources that have been helpful for me over the past several weeks. 

Currently on my bookshelf is Just Mercy by Brian Stevenson. Also, if you haven’t seen the movie, it’s free to watch for the entire month of June. STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING and go watch it tonight! ALSO I just bought Me And White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad. I’ve read a lot about this book and am excited to dive into it myself.

If you want to do something but don’t know where to start, here is a GREAT article about 75 Things White People Can Do For Racial Justice.

Also, Younghouselove shared this AMAZING list of 200+ POC owned businesses you can support.

And any purchase you make from my website during the month of June is going to give back as well. I’m donating 100% of any profit from my website for the entire month of June to Breonna Taylor’s family GoFundMe. Breonna would’ve been 27 on June 5th, so this is in honor of her birthday. #birthdayforbreonna

I don’t know who said it, so I can’t credit the original “author”, but I read something the other day that really stuck with me.

We’re all going in the same direction. Don’t slow down, just pick a lane and stay the course! 

Stay the course.

Please let me know if you have specific suggestions for me. I’m still learning…