Removing Distractions

I waste too much time. It’s a fact. This is actually one of my goals for the second half of 2020 - Remove or Eliminate Distractions. One of my BIGGEST distractions is social media. I’ll pop over with good intentions to post an update on Instagram and an hour later I realize I’ve gone back-and-forth between Instagram and Facebook 14 times, I’ve pinned 3 new hairstyles I like, and I just googled “Do Cardinals only eat seeds?” (because I swear I saw a male cardinal with a snail shell in his mouth the other day)... it’s a disease. I’m seeking treatment. Moving on now. 

I’ve been working through my first Powersheets (I bought the 6 month undated for the second half of 2020) by Lara Casey and have already gained tons of clarity on what I want to strive for in my marriage, family, business, home, etc. But one place I’m STILL lacking is in the distraction category. Then I stumbled on Lara’s list of 46 productive things you can do instead of scrolling social media. Now this list is GREAT, but some of them don’t apply to me… and as I was reading this list, I thought of a BUNCH more I could add. So that’s what I did.

Below is my list of 55+ things you can do instead of mindlessly scrolling social media (read: you don’t REALLY need to know if squirrels have friends). Some of these I pulled from Lara’s list. Some of these are probably specific to me. You will PROBABLY read through this list and think of things you would like to add that better suit you and your life. That’s ok. I encourage you to do just that! Like I took Lara’s list and made it my own, you should take this list and make it YOUR own! 

  1. Unsubscribe from emails 
    You use, right? If you don’t have this installed on every one of your email addresses, WHY NOT? Go check it out - it’s free and a GREAT way to (almost effortlessly) clean up your email inbox. 

  2. Plan a coffee date with a friend

  3. Plan playdates for the kiddos

  4. Work on cleaning up your camera roll
    Talking to myself with this one. I just checked and I have almost 7,000 photos in my camera roll. That’s ridiculous and stressful and daunting and I’ve got to do something about this.

  5. Floss your teeth

  6. Do that charcoal mask you bought 2 months ago and haven‘t ever used

  7. Take a 20 minute power-nap

  8. Take a walk

  9. Take the kids on a scavenger hunt walk
    It doesn’t have to be elaborate. Just have them look for neat things - rocks, unusual sticks, colorful leaves, pretty flowers. 

  10. Write a thank you note - or just a note to a friend

  11. Read a magazine
    You KNOW you’ve got some piling up that you haven’t looked at yet

  12. Organize your bathroom drawers

  13. Clean out and organize your medicine cabinet
    Cough syrup from 2016 has NO BUSINESS being in there (not that I’d know or anything…)

  14. Review your daily/weekly to do list and check one thing off

  15. Wash the dishes

  16. Water your garden

  17. Pull weeds in your garden

  18. Wash and fold a load of towels

  19. Fill the bird feeders

  20. Choose 10 pieces of clothing to donate

  21. Read a book
    This is one of my personal goals for the second half of 2020… I want  to read more and watch less tv

  22. Call your parent or your  best friend
    I always get inspired talking to my best friend - house projects, art projects - she just brings out my creative juices! Love you, Shannon!

  23. Take out the trash then clean the trash can

  24. Clean out your mail basket
    Ok, help me out here. SURELY I can’t be the only one who has a mail basket that’s completely overflowing with mail. Anyone?

  25. Make a treat for your neighbor or a friend you haven’t seen in a while
    Cookies, a note, something artistic, a cute little bundle of flowers from your yard. It’s the thought that counts.

  26. Go to the library and check out a new book.

  27. Clean out your pantry/fridge/freezer
    Ok, you KNOW you need to do this. 

  28. Play a game of solitaire

  29. Write down your goals
    This is another one I’m currently working on. I told you earlier that I purchased my first Powersheets book and have been working on my goals for the second half of 2020. I’ll share more about that journey in a later post. Stay tuned...

  30. Unload the dishwasher

  31. Look through your cookbooks and pick one new recipe to try
    I have all these cookbooks that I never really use. I’ve gotten to where I usually just look up stuff on Pinterest. I need to remember to get those cookbooks out once in a while.

  32. Switch out some old framed photos with newer pictures. 

  33. Plan a backyard bbq

  34. Do a yoga video
    Moving my body always gets my motivation going. My FAVE is Yoga with Adrien

  35. Doodle

  36. Color in one of your coloring books

  37. Start a gratitude journal
    This is part of one of my goals for the rest of 2020 too. I want us to start a gratitude practice AS A FAMILY!

  38. Set a timer for 15 minutes and reply to emails. 

  39. Chug a large glass of water

  40. Plan your meals for the week

  41. Clean out your iMessages
    Did you know that all those old photos and funny memes your friends have sent you are actually taking up valuable storage space in your phone? Well, now you know!

  42. Clean out your kitchen junk drawer

  43. Watch a TED talk

  44. Vacuum the house while listening to a podcast

  45. Organize your desk

  46. Make an inspiring playlist on your phone
    I have several for different moods. Running, energizing, cooking, etc.

  47. Go through your old DVDs and get rid of what you don’t watch
    We RARELY watch DVDs anymore. Other than Harry Potter (we have all 8 of the movies and rewatch them frequently because you can’t stream them all for free).

  48. Change the air filters in your home

  49. Water your houseplants

  50. Go through your bookshelf (or bookshelves) and pull books to donate
    I need to do this myself. I love to read and reread books, but I do need to weed through some of the ones I’ve read and have no desire to read again. 

  51. Clean your lighting fixtures
    Turn off all your lamps and lights to let them cool off. Wipe bulbs and shades with a damp cloth.

  52. Take a nice long bath

  53. Paint your toenails

  54. Write a sweet note for your spouse or children and put it on their pillow for them to find later

  55. Clean out your kitchen utensil drawer

  56. Lay on a blanket in your backyard and start a brain dump journal
    Not familiar with what a brain dump is? You’re basically writing everything that comes in your head until you can’t think of anything more to write. This is especially good to do first thing in the morning or on the weekend when you’re not “at work” but can’t stop thinking about work stuff. I do this periodically and keep track of them so I can go back and reread them later. This isn’t for others’ eyes, so you can write whatever. Plans, goals, hopes, fears, thoughts of anger... whatever is taking up space in your brain.

So, what do you think? I ENCOURAGE you to really think about your social media usage and find ways to Decrease The Scroll

Download a printable blank version of this list to fill out yourself!


Want more info on Lara Casey or Powersheets? I encourage you to go check out the Cultivate What Matters website and learn more about goal setting and living with intention. 

Can you think of anything to add to this list? I’d love to know… so shoot me a comment and let me know what you decide to add to your version of this list. You can also tag me on Instagram at @lauramurraycreative as you fill out your own checklist…