How showing up WHERE YOU CAN could change your whole life!

Y’all, I’m sitting here writing when I should be doing something else. Anything else. But I wanted to get this out while it was still fresh in my mind. See, I have some of my best ideas while on my morning walks. Some people think best in the shower or some people keep a notepad on their nightstand because they get their best ideas right before they fall asleep, but I do some of my BEST thinking when I’m on my morning walks. In all honesty, I’ve not been feeling terribly creative ever since Covid and my daughter’s senior year being cut short and George Floyd’s murder... and today I was sort-of beating myself up for it. I’m an artist. I make my living by creating. Drawing. In fact, my business purpose simply states:

I provide children of all ages ways to explore their creativity through the JOY of coloring.

But I just haven’t been feelin’ it lately. In fact, I have only picked up my iPad one time (to draw something new) in the past 2 months. TWO MONTHS! So for those of you who follow me on Instagram, THAT’S why you haven’t seen much creativity from me as of late (that totally sounded like something my scholarly hubby would’ve said… “as of late”). 

But let’s back to the essence of this post: the meat-and-potatoes. Today I want to talk to you about showing up where you can/when you can.

Right now I’m not showing up in my illustration business. Plain and simple. I’m just not. But I AM showing up in other areas of my life. 

  • I’m cranking out blog posts (YAY - content batching).

  • I’ve implemented some new daily routines to help me show up in my home (no more dog hair tumbleweeds).

  • I’m giving myself a TOP 3 every day instead of a huge to do list. That way there are only 3 things I MUST accomplish each day. Then when I finish that short list and keep going, it gives me a MASSIVE sense of accomplishment. 

  • I’m enforcing some new rules around technology-consumption for myself and my family.

  • I’m trying to get better about having genuine together time with my husband (not just sitting on the sofa watching British crime dramas).

  • I’m doing MY BEST to give myself some self-love. I’ve enjoyed some technology-free reading time. I’ve taken a few soaking baths. I’ve used that facemask that’s been sitting in my bathroom cabinet for a month. I’ve filled my bird feeders just so I can sit outside with the sole purpose of watching the birds for 30 minutes. 

  • I’m practicing the “EAT THE FROG” method in my business and life. Don’t know what this means? Go check out this blog post. It gives a great explanation of how to spot your frog and what it means to eat it.

  • I purchased my first Powersheets from Cultivate What Matters and I’ve spent a few days grinding down my wants/needs/goals (business, life, health, etc) for the second half of 2020.

  • This is my third week of fully planning every dinner (plus a few lunches/breakfasts) and my grocery bill has gone WAY down. 

  • I’m SHOWING UP on social media even though I don’t have anything new to share. You know what I’m doing? I’m sharing old stuff! Yep, old notecard designs. Old photos of my Amazing States books. Old inspirational posts. And I’m showing up for others by sharing and liking THEIR posts. 

  • I got out a stack of notecards that someone bought me eons ago and sent some notes to friends and family. Just sending a quick note to tell someone how much I appreciate them REALLY gives me a good mood-boost!

I’m showing up where I can because I KNOW that I’ll eventually get back to where I want to be. The core of my business will re-emerge victorious (that was really cheesy… sorry). This is just a season of my life that I have to weather. Soon enough creative inspiration will hit me. But until then, I’m choosing OTHER ways to “make an appearance”. 

And you know what? These other areas of life that I’ve neglected in favor of creating art? They’re finally getting the attention they have been so thirsty for. 

This won’t last forever. But if it does last a while longer, I’ve got life covered.